Who We Are & How We Help You Study in South Korea
With years of experience, we’ve helped 1000+ students achieve their dream of studying abroad!”
Our Story
When & Why Started?
Since 1996 a history of over 27 years, has been collaborating with other companies, institutions, governmental organizations, national and internationally in the field of education, training and consultancy.
GRAAMIICT EDUCATION PVT.LTD– An abroad education consultancy will build trust and credibility among students, partners, investors, and other stakeholders and will capitalize on the accumulated knowledge, experience, and expertise with the brand name ” GI Education Overseas“.
Meet Our Director - Dr. MGA Siddiqui (International Book Author)
Author of these books, with over 27 years of experience in entrepreneurship, he is also the CEO, Founder, and President of the Indian Institute of Computer Technology (IICT), Graminfotech Pvt.Ltd., and the Society for Computer Educational Research. He holds a doctorate in physics, has published widely internationally, led workshops, and is certified to provide IT services such as training, development, and consulting. Author of four books on electronics, including Do It Yourself Computer Networking, Computer Peripherals—Part I, Computer Peripherals—Part II.
The study of physics involves studying nature. We can all live happily ever after if that is what the entire human race desires. To save Earth and life, we must work together as a global community. In order to preserve Earth and life with zero carbon emissions, we should honour and be grateful to the scientists who are working on green hydrogen (H2) as a future fuel alternative. The greatest day of joy in history has arrived; let us try our hardest to preserve nature, which is a perfectly clean environment.
Email: graam.iict@gmail.com

Our goal is to make the study abroad process smooth, transparent, and stress-free! also Shaping the Future through counselling: Empowering Students, Transforming Industries, Changing the World ,global citizens of tomorrow and more
To provide transformative educational experiences and revolutionize the Study Abroad Service Sector, empowering students to achieve their academic and personal goals, while fostering connections between institutions and recruiters worldwide, and promoting cross-cultural awareness and global citizenship.
Our Students Testimonial


Lavanya Sharma
Intake: March 2025
Yonsei University

Mohd Suhail
Samarkand State Medical Institute University

Mahnoor UAE
Ewha Womans University


Intake: September 2024
Kimpo University

CNU-Chungnam National University

Kashaf Farheen Ansari
Intake: March 2025
Ewha Womans University